
Avro-Baby - $$4.50

The Avro Baby was a single-bay biplane of conventional configuration with a wire braced wooden structure covered in canvas. It had equal-span, unstaggered wings which each carried two pairs of ailerons. Initially the aircraft was finless and had a rudder of almost circular shape.

Avro Baby

Avro Baby



Avro Baby submitted by Bob Martin


What People Say...

Avro Baby. I think this model only comes in 1/48 scale. I can't imagine anyone outside of Australia but me being interested in this little known, but historic plane. The model has simple but very attractive artwork, and is designed by Lad 'n Dad, not by Chip Fyn. I find Lad 'n Dad models interesting and I wanted this to work.

The model has a wrap-around fuselage design with integral top, bottom sides, and nose. The nose plate folds over in front once the body is assembled. Unfortunately, the nose plate is about 1/8" too short at the bottom and leaves a a gap. I know how to fix this, but a beginner would be frustrated. My fix wouldn't look as good as if the nose plate fit properly, but it would be a fix.

Sadly, I started the Avro Baby with the bathtub that comprises the cockpit interior. This went together well, but in the final assembly of the fuselage, it turned out to be about 1/16" too deep for the body, which means that the bottom plate of the wraparound fuselage won't fit properly which means the model can't be assembled as drawn.

With two strikes against it, I gave up. This model most likely doesn't sell well as it is little known, and therefore is probably not worth re-designing. Too many problems to fix. Sorry. Easiest to pull it from the line-up as it can't be assembled as designed. - Alan Wheeler

Spirit of Bert Hinkler


Baby Avro Sketch

The legend says that every night, at sunset,
the Spirit of Bert
Hinkler's emerges from the clouds in his Avro 534 Baby. It's never
at the same place on Earth. I took those pictures in Cap-des-rosiers
(in the Gaspe peninsula, Quebec, Canada). The plane flew several
times over the light house and some whales who seemed to be at the
rendezvous... The pilot seat looked empty... another proof that it
was Bert's Spirit at the stick! I waved and Bert answered by tipping
the wings several times.

Proud to share the pictures of this great
moment with you my friends at FG.
Jacques de Quebec

Thanks Jacques !!


Baby Avro Illustration
Baby Avro
Baby Avro
























Avro Baby Submitted by Bob Martin

Mag Men Mobile Submitted by Bob Martin