
Rosa Maes - $$2.50

Your Wild West Town is certainly not complete without one of these! This model was created from an old photo of Rosa Mae's located in the red light section of the Ghost town (now State Park) of Bodie, Ca. Photo was from a reference book.

Rosa Mae Home Downloadable Cardmodel

Rosa Mae Place of Play and Employment

Rosa Mae's Abode-model

Your Wild West Town is certainly not complete without one of these! This model was created from an old photo of Rosa Mae's located in the red light section of the Ghost town (now State Park) of Bodie, Ca. Photo was from a reference book.

The image of the building in N scale came out quite wild and unruly and doesn't show off the best of the building but it seems to have a feeling of a 'spirit' so we used it here.

Rosa Mae lived and worked at home from a small house near the Bodie Cemetery overlooking the town. Sadly, Rosa Mae's house is no longer standing.

Rosa Mae

What people say...
Great web site and great models. But, can I offer a correction? You have several models of western buildings from Bodie, Nevada. Bodie is actually in CALIFORNIA.

Funny story though - about 6 miles further East is the site of Aurora. Big town with brick buildings, I think it was even bigger than Bodie. It was the County seat for Mono County,CA. UNTIL......somebody discovered it was actually in NEVADA.They moved the county seat to Bodie and, eventually, to Bridgeport.So, Bodie is really VERY close to Nevada, but is in fact a California State Park, in California. Anyway, thought you'd like to know. Bernard Wilson

rosa mae bodie california crib streetphoto of rosa mae