Lone Ranger Set-1 - $$12.00

The Lone Ranger and Tonto loved this town and you will too! This HO scale set consists of nine buildings based on the first three cereal boxes offered on the back of Cheerios in the 1940's and after you've seen the Lone Ranger movie, you'll want to build them all.

Lone Ranger Town Paper Model Buildings


What people say...

This folder contains nine Lone Ranger buildings on eight cards. Ward has been an invaluable help in bringing these to you, and I want to whole-heartedly thank him and congratulate him on the progress he's making toward being a great FG designer. - Scott

Hey, Why don't you make those paper models of the Lone Ranger Village with no color on the backgrounds so it doesn't waste up all my ink! - Anonymous
Dear Anonymous, Despite your ugly Guy Faulks mask I think your suggestion is a good one. I think a lot of other paper model builders will appreciate how you saved them some color ink.


New Lone Ranger Town Paper Models

Three Lone Ranger paper buildings

Sheriff's Office, Doctor's Office and Meetin' House
Thanks to Gary Dare for building these Lone Ranger Houses!

Lone Ranger blacksmith paper model building Lone Ranger County Jail paper model building Lone Ranger Meetin House paper model building Lone Ranger Miners Shack paper model building Lone Ranger Stables and Smokehouse paper model building

Big Thanks to Ward for designing these great paper models for our collection!

Newly designed to HO Scale from Fiddlersgreen.net

* Doc Drummond's office
* Sheriff Taylor's office
* The Meetin' House

Note: The above two free downloads do not require any sign-up or login, and you do not need Magic Keys to download them, however these models will not automatically go into your online model folder unless you have an account and purchase the whole Lone Ranger set or receive them with your Magic Keys subscription.


Lone Ranger paper model building Lone Ranger paper model building Lone Ranger paper model building Lone Ranger paper model building Lone Ranger paper model building

Some Samples built by Bob Martin (thanks Bob!)

The Original Lone Ranger Town Paper Models

Lone Ranger Town

It seemed like every kid in America, that's right, every one, even your sister, was eating Cheerios for every meal of the day. And why? Because of that year's Lone Ranger premium offer on the back of each box.

And what was it? It was the greatest thing you could possibly imagine, a full scale, cardboard model of the "Lone Ranger Western Town!" Each box of delicious Cheerios had three different buildings pictured on the back, with a total of 9 boxes to get the whole set. Or at least that's what you thought at first.

As you quickly learned, there were also four different Lone Ranger premium sets that you could get by mail, for only ten cents each and a boxtop! Each of the four sets included an entire section of the town (Southeast, Northwest etc.), made up of 8 to 12 "models" (buildings, bridges, train cars, stagecoach, and so on), eight scenic accessories (which you didn't actually get, but just gaming pieces instead), and a large paper model playmat for that section of the town's layout. That brought the total layout to 70 different paper model Lone Ranger buildings to place on your four different layouts!

The gaming pieces were to be used for an elaborate game that General Mills created for the huge gaming board. The game only worked with the four complete sections.

Southwest Section

Southwest Section of Lone Ranger Layout

In 1948 the Lone Ranger Frontier Town was released. As you listened to The Lone Ranger radio show the voice of Fred Foy told you, "In celebration of the 15th year of this program you can get your very own paper models of the Lone Ranger Frontier Town. With this offer you can follow the adventures of The Lone Ranger and Tonto."

Nine Different Sets

Nine Lone Ranger Box Backs from Cherios

There were 9 different sets of buildings. Four more sections, each with a map and additional buildings (71 pieces in all), had to be sent away for. It cost a dime and a box top. When assembled the four maps covered nearly 15 square feet of floor space. Each map had numbered spaces where the buildings went and the buildings had corresponding numbers to make it easy to assemble the complete set. Then you were ready to follow the Lone Ranger adventures as they happened on the radio program.