Tn-2 Tn-1

Pedal-Car - $$4.95

A Fuel Saver !! We saw this wonderful toy at the Sherborne Museum in Vermont, snapped a couple photos from which our Bulgarian MP, Emil, whipped up a three view drawing. Also, the first cardmodel. Derek, our cartoonist, has sketched out a few future designs that you can chuckle over on the webpage. This little model is nuthin' but fun !!

Pedal Car- A downloadable cardmodel from Fiddlersgreen

The Cushy FEMA Compay Car


Cushy FEMA car


At the entrance of the Shelburne Museum, Shelburne, VT, there's a giant round red barn that serves as the welcome center for the museum and along the rear wall there's a wonderful collection of old, metal Pedal Cars.

This one stands out as being the most magical and for reasons too complex to explain, we've named it the FEMA Cushy Company Car (CCC)


Pedal Car Youtube Hotlink

If you think about it there's little difference between a full sized pedal car and a card reproduction of it. Just one is made from sheet steel (or aluminum) and the other from a sheet of cardstock.

The Pedal Car designer endeavors to create his design as simply and inexpensively as he can. This cardmodel mimic is a perfect evenings project

World Class Designer Emil Enchev, Bulgaria, drew the three view of the Cushy Car from the photo above. There's a couple photos below showing his first beta builds. Having to make the three view for a new model, makes the job of designing twice as hard.

Also, it often becomes the only three view available which is a bit dangerous. About 1 in 20 FG models need a three view created before the designing process begins.

Cushy FEMA Car-1
Cushy FEMA Car-2

Pedal Car-GMan Cruiser

This is another of the old pedal cars on exibit at the Shelbourne Museum

Cushy Car 3 view

Wolfie's Pedal Car
Wolfie's Pedal Car and Teddie
Wolfie's Pedal Car

Here's a Modeln' Pal who took our little pedal car ('Tret-Auto' in German) to an entirely new dimension. Well done Wolfie!! Watch for many more little cardmodel pedal cars like this first one...chip

Hello Fiddlersgreen Team,

Here you can see my version of the pedal car.
Thanks for the nice paperstuff on your webpage,
it give me the idea to built the pedal car in a little bigger size (x 2,5).

If you want you can use the images for your webpage. Best regards from Germany. Wolfgang Wekx

Other Neat Escape Capsules/Vehicles
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Airstream Trailer

Derek is way ahead of us regarding future designs.. All we need is time